Domainers are really crazy ! 

is on auction at Godaddy Auctions . i m shocked when i see the bidding amounth , price is $5100 and minumum bid is $5200 .

This domain has got 112 bids ( 7 bidders )   and 7 days left to bid , means it will increase more !
i belive this is really crazy thing !

i will even not bid for this domain . This domain is reg fee for me , you cant sell .info domain ..or for project purposes , .info is one of the worst tlds . Why to invest such a worst tld ?

Where is the catch ? what am i missing with this domain ?

Update :

Domain is now 9000$ .  ( June 5 2019 )

Godaddy estimated value : 265$ .

Previous similar sold domains:  $4,000

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